Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Sunday, May 8, 2011

FInal Post

First, Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers in my life that I so love and admire. . .foremost, my mom. . .the best there is. . and my sisters, sister-in-law, and many friends.

It's Sunday afternoon here and we are waiting for Fed Ex to deliver Wynn's airline ticket. We know it's on the truck. It's just a matter of getting it and then seeing if we can get on a flight this evening. The flight doesn't leave until 11:00 p.m. so we have some time.

We did a little sightseeing this morning, just to run down the clock and keep busy. We 're done sightseeing and are very anxious to come home. 3 1/2 weeks is a long time to be away.

Stephen and Debbie, we'll email you as soon as we know what's going on and when we'll be arriving at Dulles. Millie, we're coming home soon!

Thanks to all of you for following along on our incredible journey and for your encouraging posts and emails. They really made our days brighter and we truly felt all of your love and support. We look forward to everyone meeting Wynn soon.

With love,
Kate, Bret, Leah and Wynn.


  1. God bless you all and praying for safe travels.......Millie is excited to see you....I can see her tail wagging and of course smiling!!!.......Love and miss you and can't wait to meet Wynn and squeeze my silly friend Leah!!!Love,
    Auntie Lynn

  2. Coming to AMERICA. let us know whenever you land on US soil. Prayers, hugs & kisses. love, Beth & Mark.

  3. Thank you for an incredible journey. Not only did I get a grandson, I was able to see a part of our vast world through your eyes and never left home. Isn't techno wonderful! Love you lots, Granny
