Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Quiet Saturday

Saturday is the holy day in Nepal. Many, but not all, businesses are closed and people are off work. As a result, traffic is light and the streets are significantly quieter. Sunday is back to work. The holy day in Dubai is Friday, and at least according to the Fed Ex tracking system, our package hasn't moved from there all day. Maybe we'll receive it tomorrow. If not then, Monday for sure.

In the mood for neither shopping nor sightseeing, we hung around the apartment and neighborhood this morning. After lunch we went to a mall that a few other families told us about. It wasn't Ross Park Mall but it was certainly the most western thing we've seen since we've been here. It was almost a surreal experience, being in a five story mall, with three movie theaters and western stores, in Kathmandu. We were told that there was an indoor play area for children, which there was but Leah was too old for it and Wynn wanted nothing to do with it. We think he was really overwhelmed by the entire scene. The shining clean floors, the shops, the escalator, and a food court for goodness sakes! This kid was living in an orphanage in the country 2 1/2 weeks ago. We were taken there by a really nice young taxi driver who was recommended by a friend. He stayed at the mall with us and we really enjoyed his company. It was also nice to have him there to talk to Wynn. Ram has two small children himself so he was great with both of the kids. We went to the food court, ordered drinks and snacks and just talked. We also found bubbles for the kids which was a big hit. On the way out, Leah enjoyed a jumping castle set up outside of the mall entrance. Again, Wynn passed, telling Ram in Nepali, "Let's go didi (big sister in Nepali). I want to go in the car." Ram is going to pick us up tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. and take us out for some sightseeing.

Photo captions - Wynn today; Leah at the jumping castle; woman in our neighborhood this morning; Hindu baby in our neighborhood; a tuk tuk which is bigger than a taxi but much smaller than a mini bus or van and always jammed with way too many people.

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