Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Friday, April 22, 2011

Adoption Day

Today we made it official. We went to the Nepal Government's Ministry of Women and Children and adopted Wynn. At least 50 times today I heard him calling, "Mommee! Daddee!" I guess he too knew today was the day. (Disclaimer on the family photo documenting this event. . .Leah actually IS happy about all of this. She just wasn't happy about having her picture taken at that moment. I'm guessing it was her bad hair day.)

In the evening we met about a dozen other American families for dinner who are also in the country adopting their children. The place is called Garden of Dreams. (photo included) There are beautiful gardens, outdoor sitting areas and two nice restaurants. It was a bit chaotic inside of our private dining room but nice to meet other families who have been on the same crazy journey. The food was very good and the gardens were beautiful.

We're on our own for the weekend so we're planning on doing some sightseeing. Our next appointments are next Monday and Tuesday.


  1. Hallelujah, what do you think about it being Good Friday and Easter Sunday, that you got Wynn. more than amazing, timing, why do we question it? to the family hugs & kisses, Beth

  2. Congratulations to you awesome!!! Thanks for sharing! Love, Kirk, Lynn, Hanna, and Luke!!!xoxoxoxoxo

  3. Again, my cup runneth over for you guys!! I love the family picture!! Congrats and hugs to all!
    Love, Suz, Jeff, Abby and Jeremy

  4. Congratulations!! Happy Easter & blessings to each of you! Hugs & Kisses to everyone :)

  5. Why do we ever doubt the God that fulfills all of our needs? I love the family photo and it is my "desktop". I am so very happy for all of you and love that Wynn is saying Mommee and Daddee. His first words...pretty neat!
    Love and hugs and kisses all around. And, Happy Easter. The Lord is Risen Indeed!
    Grandma Betsy

  6. Your writing is riveting to me. Your journey parallels Christina's in many ways...I am sure that has not gone unnoticed! Take care of yourselves and expect the downs along with the ups because you know they will come. But the climb back up is always that much sweeter. :)
    Congratulations!! I am beyond thrilled for you!!

  7. Kate, Bret, Leah and Wynn. - I am riveted, touched, excited, exhausted, ecstatic, heart-broken, heart-warmed, interested, and bored all in one fell swoop. Who knew there was so much happiness and beauty in the mundane operations of international adoption. I left out one word - inspired.

    All the love you can handle,

  8. At Grandma and Papa Buckley house for Easter with Amy and family. Everyone is checking out the blog! Amanda said it so well, so many emotions. We can't wait until you bring the new cousin home.
