Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Friday, April 15, 2011

We're Arrived in Kathmandu

After an eight hour layover yesterday in Doha (our flight was delayed by two hours leaving), we flew four more hours and arrived in Kathmandu around 9:30 a.m. local time. After getting our visas at the airport we took a 'life altering' taxi ride to our hotel. There's no way to prepare yourself, or completely describe, the sights and sounds of Kathmandu. If there are rules of the road, well, we can't figure them out. Motorcycles, cars, and taxis all jockey for position, constantly on their horns, in hopes of moving forward. Any driver here makes a NYC taxi driver seem like a Sunday driver. We also dodged a large black bull standing in the road and Leah called out chicken sightings as we drove along.

We are settled in our hotel which is right in Thamel, the tourist district. The street where our hotel is located is quiet and has beautiful gardens in the back. But if you walk just two blocks down the street, as we did to try to find a place to buy adapters, it's chaos. . .street vendors, traffic, and lots of westerners (mainly Europeans, it seems)here to trek.

Tomorrow is a free day, to rest and adjust to the time change. That's all for now. It's 8:30 p.m. and sleep is calling all of us.

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