Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Daily Life and Thoughts on Kathmandu

Sorry to disappoint but every day here, just like at home, is not inspiring or miraculous! Yesterday was an ordinary day. . .relatively speaking. We made our way to a grocery store/department store where Wynn experienced his first ride on an escalator and in a grocery cart. He wasn't too sure of either experience.

He's been so brave since leaving his old life. But this morning he was whimpering and was upset. Since we couldn't understand what he was saying, I took him downstairs to our apartment building security guard -- a really sweet man -- to ask him to translate for me. He told me that Wynn wanted to go back home. I assumed that he meant back to the orphanage. The guard spoke to Wynn and basically played up all of the perks and benefits of being with us. As the conversation went on, the guard assured me that he was fine and this is where he wanted to be. Sometimes it's nice not to understand the language. If his interpretation was only for my benefit, I greatly appreciated it. Wynn was fine for the rest of the day.

It's amazing how much we can communicate with him and he with us. Already, after only two days together, he's learned several English words and we've learned several Nepali words. It seems as though the most important things, hugs, carrying him when he asks to be carried, and meeting his basic needs of food, etc. really need no words at all.

We're learning every day from each other and each day we're seeing more of his personality. Currently, he's obsessed with brushing his teeth, washing his hands, using the bathroom and eating bananas. (Yes, as I'm writing this, I'm perfectly aware that this is not riveting copy.) He's also very sensitive. . .visibly upset when Leah cries. Also, because he's never owned anything, he's very possessive of everything we've given him. The first day, he refused to put down anything. He walked around with his hands full, carrying his new toothbrush, coloring book, crayons and car. Today he seemed a bit more relaxed. He also beams when I open his suitcase and show him his new clothes.

As far as being here, well it's a challenge. Bret and I have both traveled considerably --- to China, Russia, Brazil and Chile to name a few places, and we thought we had seen Third World living. Not true. This is Third World living. You can't go out to take a walk unless you're prepared for trash and garbage along side of the road. The dust and dirt are constant. Walking anywhere includes being constantly aware of the cars, taxis and motorcycles that all come within inches of each other, and you too if you're not careful. We took a cab to Thamel this evening for dinner and spent a lot of time answering Leah's questions about the street beggars, the very old and the very young, that approached us on the sidewalks and came up to our taxi window as we waited at traffic lights. We have appointments tomorrow (Friday) and next Monday. After that, we hope to get out of the city a bit and experience some of the natural beauty of the area. As not to end on a negative note, the Nepali people are very kind and have a wonderful calm way about them.

Picture captions - Leah and Wynn checking out the view from the roof top terrace of our apartment building. Our apartment building where we're on the top floor.


  1. Hi All!
    It is all "riviting copy" to me. I love hearing about your daily goings on and how the sweet boy is doing. I love the picture of Leah and Wynn together. I am glad you have all of this family time for bonding with nobody else around. Time enough for that!!!
    Leo Buscalia said that everyone needs at least four hugs a day just to, the hugs are the best show of how you feel to Wynn as they were to the darling Leah. You are doing a great job and are perfect parents. Love to you all
    Granma Betsy

  2. Kate, your post are so much fun to read, you have such a skill in your writing and I love the pictures. If anyone is complaining it is because each day we wait to see what you have to say, but mostly we just want & need to know that all of you are safe, so you could just say Hi. Praying that your meetings are a success.
    Take care, love you,give hugs and kisses from me and Mark.

  3. Thanks for the post and pictures.
    Holding you all in my thoughts and prayers.
    Hugs, Kisses and Love,

  4. Hey Kath........So glad you are all ok and learning so much about each other. I am so proud of you and Bret being so brave too! I think Wynn would not be a normal kid to not have sad moments missing the only home and friends he has had in his lifetime. He sounds so sweet and loving and appreciative of everything and hugs will go along way always when no words can really help. Praying for you all each day and that all meetings go well. It is in Gods hands each new day and trust as you always have in this special plan. Wynn sounds really brave and sensitive and perfect addition to your sweet family!! Give Leah and Wynn and yourselves big hugs......Love, Lynn
