Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Daily News

Yesterday, Monday, was another adventure. As promised, Leah and I took a rickshaw ride after breakfast through the streets of Thamel, which is the tourist district of Nepal. We both loved it. Funny how age makes a difference. Leah hadn't a care in the world, chatting the entire way and pretending to be taking pictures as I did the same. She was oblivious to the cars, taxis and motorcycles weaving in and out around us. I'm happy to report that our rickshaw driver did a fine job.

Then we checked out of our small, not clean-enough-for-the-Cunninghams, hotel room yesterday and checked into a beautiful apartment. This gives us some much needed space for our extended stay here and especially with young children, will make breakfast and lunch so much easier. Included in the deal is a woman who will clean for us daily and also wash and iron our clothes, and a young 'grocery boy' who expertly walked us to the neighborhood market yesterday so we could buy some essentials. We will take a taxi to a bigger grocery store within a day or two.

After dropping our suitcases we went back to the Children's Home to visit Wynn. He was lead down the hallway to meet us by one of the older girls, clutching his prized photo album and letter, and then softly kissed each one of us on the cheek. Now of course he did this because someone told him too, but still. . . He and the other children really enjoyed the bubbles and the candy-filled plastic Easter eggs that we brought. It seemed that Wynn was determined to finish the entire bottle of bubbles in one sitting, patiently and expertly dipping and blowing.

During each visit his didi (nanny, but the word also means big sister) brings Bret and me hot tea. Yesterday they also served Wynn and Leah warm milk and slices of white bread. His didi dunked the bread in the milk and Wynn gobbled it up. Leah politely tried a few bites but decided that she would pass. The older girls translated for us as I asked his didi questions about his bedtime and nap routines and what he likes to eat -- bananas, apples, rice. . .really anything we were told.

After awhile we were on our way. I think the plan is to visit today and bring him back to the apartment with us. . .oh my. Our first official appointment is this Friday with the Ministry of Women and Children, the Nepal government branch that handles adoptions. We will adopt him on Friday, the first step to making everything official.

Thanks to everyone for your posts and emails. Both are wonderful connections to home and much appreciated.


  1. Loved the update.......really sounds like it is going just the way God had planned all along....I wrote you more on email...Have a wonderful day ahead....what a special family....We will stock up on apples and bananas!!!Love and hugs from all of us...Love, Auntie Lynn

  2. Hey love the photos.......was hoping to see Wynn with his sweet and glad the bubbles were so much fun!.......hey Leah looks great in her glasses too.....her "readers" as she says! you all and thanks for's to the day you bring him home with you to your apartment!!!Love,Lynn
