Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Latest

As threatened, yesterday the Maoists (communist party) held a strike. We were told that it was the first strike in 9 to 12 months. It really didn't impact us other than there were no taxis to take us anywhere. Fortunately, we were able to keep Wynn's scheduled medical exam. We just had to walk. It was actually a treat because without cars, taxis, scooters and motorcycles on the road, it was a relatively easy 3/4 mile walk. Wynn's exam went well. It was really basic and we'll have him examined more fully when we get home. He weighs 33 pounds and is 39 inches tall.

The rest of the day was rather quiet but mostly frustrating because we didn't have Internet service all day. Since this is our only connection to family, friends and the outside world, it was really annoying. It was finally restored late this morning.

Today we spent some time at the Shangra La Hotel. We took the kids swimming at the hotel pool and they both had a ball. Actually we waded up to our knees in the baby pool because the pools are not heated here and the water was cold. This was Wynn's first time in a pool and he seemed to really like the water, even though he was only willing to sit on the step and splash and play. Maybe it was because the water was so cold. It was the only time I didn't have my camera with me so I don't have pictures. I'm sure that we'll go back another day. This evening we went back to the Rum Doodle in Thamel for dinner because Leah wanted to see more of the Nepali dancers. It was fun.

We've seen so much progress in Wynn in the brief time he's been with us. Bed time and bath time are now no problem. . .no crying. He's shy and quiet when he first meets someone but with us, he's constant motion, energy, talking and he's loaded with personality. He appears to be bright. Our challenge will be getting him to sit still and focus.

We don't have any appointments until next Tuesday when we're hoping to receive Wynn's travel documents. If that happens, we have an appointment at the US Embassy next Wednesday for our interview and to apply for Wyn's visa. Our goal is to be able to travel home next Friday or Saturday.

We're planning on going back to Nargokot (the mountains) for a few days this weekend. We'll stay in a hotel and hopefully enjoy some fresh mountain air and get a better view of the Himalayans.

Photo captions - Leah, Wynn, buying bananas from a produce vendor in our neighborhood, Nepali woman.

1 comment:

  1. Kate, Brett, Leah, and Wynn,

    Nicholas, Haley, and I have been following along while you've been in Kathmandu. Haley is very anxious to meet Wynn.
    Your stories are fantastic. It is so heartwarming and really makes me realize what terrific people you all are. Wynn is so very lucky to have been brought into your family.
    Continued best wishes!
    The Huffmyers
