Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hello from Nargarkot

This afternoon we checked into a beautiful mountain top resort in Nargarkot. We are at 6,500 feet elevation. Second in the series of "You've got to be kidding me," as we were checking in, we started talking to a very nice couple. The gentleman was born in Squirrel Hill, an urban neighborhood of Pittsburgh and his wife is from the north hills of Pittsburgh (Glenshaw in Shaler Township which is minutes from where I grew up in Hampton Township). They now live in Vermont and Jim teaches at Boston University. They are traveling with their adult daughter who is currently working at an NGO in Calcutta, India.

After we got settled in our room we went out to take a walk and enjoy the fresh air. We didn't walk very far and passed along the way, within feet of us, goats, water buffalo, horses, and roosters. All of the animals roam peacefully along the side of the road or in the nearby fields, munching on grass and other vegetation.

Because this is a resort, there are people here from all over the world. We continue to be surprised, and a bit flattered, by perfect strangers who approach us to ask about our children, and politely ask about the adoption process. I'm sitting in the hotel lobby around 8:00 p.m. as I write (Bret took the children up to the room to get ready for bed) and there are local musicians playing in the background. Just before Bret and the kids left, a woman from Greece approached us and asked all about Wynn and his adoption story. Earlier when we were out taking a walk and shooting pictures, a nice young couple from Bangladesh asked if they could have their picture taken with "our two beautiful babies." Earlier this evening an older, nicely dressed Indian woman came up and hugged and kissed Leah. OK, that freaked me out a bit at first but I quickly realized that it was a genuine and spontaneous gesture of affection.

We're setting our alarm for 5:15 a.m. tomorrow in hopes of seeing the sunrise over the Himalayans so I best get to bed. (I'm having trouble including photos with this post and will try to post them separately or later.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate, Bret and kids!
    This sounds like a beautiful vacation spot! I can't believe you met ppl from Bret's hometown and ppl from your hometown when you are halfway around the world! I hope all goes well with getting Wynn's visa! In the meantime, enjoy the sightseeing and cultural experience!
