Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hello from Doha, Qatar!

We have arrived safely in Qatar. Time zones completely confuse me so I can't say that I know what day it is. . .I'm guessing Thursday. We left Dulles Airport at 10:50 p.m. Wednesday evening and had a 12 hour flight into Qatar, where we arrived at 6:30 p.m. Leah traveled like a pro. . .although we now have a six hour layover here and I can see signs of hyperactivity and general fatigue setting in. (Bret just took her to a play area here in the airport.) She loved having her own TV screen and remote on the back of her airline seat so she was entertained, and even slept quite a bit. When we first entered the airport here in Qatar Leah saw several men wearing the traditonal Middle Eastern garb of long white robes and clothes (sorry, I'm not sure of the correct name) on their heads. She whispered to me, "Look Mommy, it's Joseph!" Well at least she had the correct part of the world.

Once we get on our next flight, we will fly five more hours to Kathmandu. If all goes well, we will arrive at 5:00 p.m. local time on Friday. (Nepal is ten hours ahead of EST.) Then we will have Saturday to rest and adjust to the time change. The plan is to visit Wynn at the orphange for the first time on Sunday.


  1. It is so wonderful to read about and SEE (via pics!) your progress. Besides Joseph, Leah also found the Velveteen Rabbit! Thanks for the update and keep em we lay down to sleep on Sat evening, you three will be finally together with Wynne. All four of your will be WINNING!

  2. Love the update. hugs from Texas.
