Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Busy Day

Today was filled with ordinary and extraordinary moments. The day started with Wynn experiencing his first time out. I figured that he had been with us long enough and that he needed 'a little extra feedback' from me as he ran around the apartment pulling Kleenex out of the box and then playing in the waste basket. I knew that this behavior was never tolerated in his old life and it wasn't going to fly in his new life. So I picked him up and firmly plopped him on his bed. Some things transcend all language. He knew he was in trouble. So he cried for awhile and then emerged from his room a much calmer boy. Unfortunately for him, my day started with spoiled milk ruining my beloved morning coffee. And now I can almost hear a collective and knowing nod from friends who know me well. . .nothing good can come of a morning when Kate's morning coffee has been ruined. We both got over it and the rest of the day was more than fine.

I have mentioned that you just can't go out to talk a walk in Kathmandu. There are no sidewalks and traffic is horrendous. This creates a real challenge for families with young children who need to be kids, and for families like us that love to walk and be outside. I had learned that other adoptive families who had been here before us found refuge in a few of the nicer local hotels. They have beautiful gardens and grassy areas making almost a park-like setting, and people are welcome whether or not you're a guest at the hotel. There's a beautiful hotel, The Shangra La, within walking distance of our apartment. Leah, Bret and I ate dinner there one evening before we received Wynn. So this morning we decided to walk to the hotel and enjoy the grounds. We sat outside under an umbrella, ordered a cappachino, a latte and drinks and snacks for the kids, and enjoyed a beautiful sunny morning. We found out that families are even welcome to use the swimming pool so we'll go back later this week so the kids can swim.

After lunch we took a taxi to the historical city of Bhaktapur for some sightseeing. Our guide told us that most of the buildings were over 500 years old. But since Nepal uses a completely different calendar than we do (they just celebrated new years day in the year of 2068, I believe) I'm not sure that his dates were accurate. Things looked much older. We were told that the city is often used as a movie location because of the dramatic setting. It was really interesting. I love architecture and I love to take pictures so I was in my element. Afterwards our taxi driver talked us into visiting a shrine not too far away. I could have done without it but it did have a small playground and the kids enjoyed that part making the side trip worthwhile. In general, we're not shrine people, if there is such a thing. I sat at dinner last week and listened to a man go on and on about the shrines he had visited, "where they still do cremations and animal sacrifices!" I politely told him that it wasn't our scene. (Bret uses the words "creepy and pagan.")

We then had the taxi take us to Thamel where we ate at a fun restaurant, Rum Doodle, which was recommended by some other families. There was a stage and Leah and Wynn were enthralled when four dancers performed traditional Nepali dances as we ate.

We have an appointment for Wynn's medical exam tomorrow afternoon. I hope we're able to keep it. Our taxi driver confirmed what we had heard last week which is there will be a one day strike tomorrow which will shut down many things. Driving to Thamel this evening we passed a group of men marching in the streets carrying sticks that were on fire. Our driver told us that they were practicing for tomorrow. Just another day in Kathmandu.


  1. I love reading your post, besides being a photographer, you could write books or a newspaper column...especially with the adventures you have had. Wynn and Leah are so cute in their pictures, smiling and loving life. take care, hugs and kisses, Beth

  2. We enjoy the pictures and editorials.
    what a great way to remember your experiences. We feel as though we are getting to know Wynn before he comes home. Leah is so cute being the big sister. Millie is doing great. Prefers P.'s food to hers. She beats us to the food bowl often. Love to all...P.

  3. It's like reading a book! I cant wait for the next chapeter!
