Bishwa (Wynn Thomas) on the far left

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Big Day

We were picked up at our hotel around 1:00 p.m. today by Aruna, our adoption agency's in-country representative and our caretaker for all meetings and appointments while we're here. Aruna took us to the Children's Home so we could finally meet Wynn (Bishwa). We were asked to send a small photo album with pictures of our family, house, yard and a letter to be read to him before our arrival. We were waiting in a playroom upstairs and we watched as Bishwa was lead upstairs to meet us, clutching his photo album and letter in an envelope.

The pictures speak for themselves. He is beautiful, with the most gorgeous hair. Of the three of, he couldn't take his eyes off of Leah. It was almost as if he was studying her and taking it all in. We sat on the floor with him and he just kept flipping through his photo album as Leah explained who everyone was. We also bought small Nerf balls for all of the kids which were a big hit. (Thanks, Lynn and Susan!) We played catch for quite awhile and eventually we went downstairs to see where he sleeps and then outside for a bit before leaving.

We were told that he talks a lot, although he didn't say anything while we were there. Maybe tomorrow. We were also told that he is easy going by nature, which we're very grateful for as it will make him a good fit for our family! While by the rules, we're suppose to visit him for seven days before he can come with us to the hotel, today they told us that he could come with us much sooner, maybe in two days. Secretly, this has put me in a bit of a panic. I'm probably worrying needlessly (?) but it just seems so soon. We were told that Bishwa knows that he's leaving and he's ready to go! So I guess we better get ready too.

By the way, we were really pleased by his environment and surroundings. The Children's Home is very nice and sits in a calm, pretty valley surrounded by mountains. It's very lush and green -- the only green we've seen since we arrived in Kathmandu.

Bret, Leah and I celebrated this evening by going out to a firewood-oven pizza restaurant. . .a nice taste of home. Leah has been begging me to take her on a rickshaw ride so that's on the agenda for tomorrow morning.


  1. I just cried when I saw the pictures of Bret and Leah with Wynn and I thanked God that it has all happened. What a beautiful little boy he is!!! God has richly blessed all of you with this joyous addition to your family. Wait until he meets Millie. "He ain't seen nothing yet"....she is just the right size for Wynn as she was for Leah when she arrived. I overflow with happiness for all of you!
    Love, Grandma Betsy

  2. Granny is so happy for you all.
    Hugs and Kisses to all.

  3. I can't wait to meet him, I think he and Leah will make a great brother and sister duo, being close in age and all. Love to everyone and give him hugs and kisses from Aunt Tonya!

  4. I agree with Grandma Betsy...'my cup runneth over'for you Kath and Bret! I love seeing the pictures and just know that "this" is what God had in store for much joy and love. What a gift for all of you!! Hugs to Leah and her new brother Wynn! xoxo Love, Suz

  5. Hey Kath and Bret........nothing made us more happy to come home last night and see the photos of Big Sis and Wynn.....we are so amazed as your journey unfolds during Holy you will never forget or any of us watching from afar!.........Love and hugs...Auntie Lynn, Uncle Kirk, Hanna, and Luke!!!
